It’s getting colder and darker. But Kim Norberg keeps hiking South on Via Suecia. She started her journey July 10th from Treriksröset together with her boyfriend Lukas Mayers. A few days ago she passed the 2 000 km-mark.

“Thinking back is strange, it makes more sense to think forward – think about the next km, the next hour, the next meal, the next camping spot and perhaps the” she wrote on her and Lukas Instagram account.
Via Suecia reach her Day 89 in Nora in the Örebro County.
“The first days after Lukas left were hard. We we had hiked all the way from Treriksröset to Grövelsjön, sharing joy and hardships. Now I was all alone.”

“The season was over and there were hardly any hikers on the trail. On the Vasalopp’s Trail I didn’t meet a single person.”
“A lot of conflicting thoughts…”
The idea to hike Via Suecia started with the plan to hike the Green Ribbon last fall. During the planning Kim and Lukas saw a post on Facebook about the new national scenic trail.
“I joked to Lukas, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to hike all the way to Smygehuk?’”
Kim Norberg:
“The best experience has been all the people I have met along the trail. Especially other long distance hikers.”

“The worst has often been the weather. When the weather is bad everything is bad. Or like the second day from Treriksröset when we were attacked by masses of mosquitos; we could hardly drink or eat, we were constantly attacked and had to hike in rain gear, even though it was + 25.”

Kim Norberg is content with the gear. She sent her boots home almost immediately, as a extra pair of socks and a jumper
”Now I have the clothing I wear and the clothing I sleep in. That’s all. Often I hike in my shorts and my rain trousers.”
“With the colder weather and the rain I spend more days inside or in shelters and I really look forward to the rest days.”
At the 2 000 km-mark Kim Norberg had about a third (700 km) left to Smygehuk.
If she makes it all the way she will be the first Via Suecia SoBo thru hiker.